Two Rex Makes #6 - Unnamed Time Travel Roll and Write v3.0!

Our game went through its third major redesign over the last 2 weeks. The last version was playtesting ok, but I had a new idea that meant scrapping a fairly large part of the game and creating a new prototype! 

Working the day job as a graphic designer and occasional illustrator you get used to having to scrap design ideas and come up with new solutions so the concept of ‘killing your darlings’ wasn’t new to me. Throwing ourselves into the world of board game design we’ve listened to many hours of podcast interviews and read a lot of design diaries and blogs, (the willingness of people in this industry to share their experience and knowledge to help other designers out really is incredible!) and most of them comment on the need to not get too attached to any part of your game. Experimentation often leads to innovation, or at least a solution to your design problem!

Our latest playtest of the new design was easily the best and most fun session we’ve had so far, there is still plenty of work to be done but I can’t wait to get to work on version 3.1 !!


Two Rex Makes #7 - Growing an Audience


Two Rex Plays #6 - Harvest Dice